One Remote

Infinite Possibilities

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The Skip 1s Universal Remote Control

The Skip 1s Universal Remote ControlThe Skip 1s Universal Remote Control

The Skip 1s Universal Remote Control makes controlling your entertainment center a breeze. With support for 3 different activities that can be activated with the click of a button, a universe of device combinations is at your fingertips. Leave the simplicity to us, and we'll leave the creativity to you.

Select your activity

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Personalize Your Skip

Just as Jedi have different colored light sabers, so too can you have your own personal Flirc color ring with Flirc LEDs! Are you a green or blue? Red or purple? Have you considered a nice Deep Pink?

Modern Additions

Flirc plugged into a laptop

Windowless IR
The first thing to break on most remote controls is that flimsy plastic piece on the front. The Skip 1s is made entirely of strong IR compatible composite that won't break the moment a 5 year old touches it, but still has all the range of a powerful universal remote control.

The Skip 1s is ready for a single connector future. USB-C all the way!

Create Activities

Make your media life easier by creating Activities. An Activity lets you control two or more devices at once. For example, you can control the TV audio with the volume buttons and the cable box with your navigation buttons. Press the A button on the remote above to see an example!

Watch Cable TV

Stream Your Favorite Shows

It's Game Time!

What's to Come

At Flirc, we're big believers in continuous development. We're excited to keep improving the Skip 1s as we move forward, and we're excited to hear your feedback on future improvements.

Hardware Features

We’ve worked tirelessly to create our ideal remote, and we’re proud to share it with you all. New beautifully crafted laser etched matte on gloss. Molded black ABS plastic IR body. Customizable LED configurations.

Massive Database

The Skip 1s database of remotes is vast and ever growing. If something is missing, we'll add it in a snap.

React Native

The SkipApp is built for Mac and Windows using React Native Desktop with an eye toward speed, adaptability, stability, and portability.

No Cloud Reliance

Some companies end up going out of business taking with them your remote. Don't worry, our remotes are designed to outlive our company and will always be designed to work without an active internet connection.

Share Your Config

Share your configs online, with family, or with friends. The best part of our SkipApp is being able to quickly help a family member or copy your configuraiton over to a newly purchased remote. Configuration files are human-readable text files, not protected binary proprietary bullshit.

Constant Firmware Updates

With the Skip 1s, we at Flirc are here for the long haul. We stand by our products so expect constant firmware updates and new features. Buy with confidence!

Bundle with Flirc USB

The Skip 1s remote has been designed from the ground up to integrate with Flirc USB. A perfect pair made to work together out of the box, so why not put them in the same box? Optionally purchase Skip 1s with our best selling product and take complete control of your media devices.

What's in the box?!

We include everything you need. Your brand new Skip 1s Remote. 2x AAA batteries, USB-C to USB-C cable, and a thank you card for supporting what we do.

The Skip 1s Universal Remote Control

Get it today!
the skip 1s - Flircthe skip 1s - Flircthe skip 1s - Flircthe skip 1s - FlircThe Skip 1s Universal Remote Control flirctv

The Skip 1s Universal Remote Control

Now Available!
  • Control your TV, streaming box, DVD/Blu-Ray player, AV Receiver, HTPC, and more. Compatible with all Flirc USB devices.
  • IR Transmitter and IR Receiver for learning any device.
  • Setup through USB using our cross platform SkipApp.
  • Three assignable activities labeled A, B, and C. Each activity can have up to 8 devices.
Skip 1s
plus Flirc USB

Technical Specifications


IR Transmitter: 35ft (line of sight)
IR Receiver: 38 KHz


ABS black plastic

Packaging Dimensions

Length: 8.8 in
Width: 3.15 in
Height: 1.6 in
Weight: 1 oz

Packaging Contents

Skip 1s Remote
USB-C cable
2 AAA batteries

The Skip 1s Universal Remote Control

What is Flirc's range?

Like all infrared (IR) devices, Flirc works best when it's placed in the line of site of the remote control.

What Operating Systems are supported

Windows 10/11, MacOS with support for native Apple Silicon and x86. Linux support is planned.

Does the Skip 1s support Bluetooth?

No, the Skip 1s only supports IR (infra-red) remotes.

How many buttons can I store?


How many devices are in the Skip database?


What happens if I can't find my device in the Skip database?

Please provide us feedback. It is possible you are looking in the wrong area, but for uncommon devices we are happy to add a profile via support. In the future, it will be possible to map unknown devices directly in the setup software.

Can I map more than one remote button to the same Skip button?

Yes, each button supports multiple devices and buttons at once.

When will new software features get released?

Skip setup software and firmware will be released quite frequently as we continue to update. Auto-update functions have been built into the software, so you should always be up to date.

Does Skip work with the smart devices that have no IR input?

Two workarounds exist for these devices. Most support HDMI-CEC, which means you can control them using your TV remote buttons on the Skip 1s. Many also support USB in, including the Fire TV Stick, Raspberry Pis, and any other HTPC. For those, we suggest pairing your Skip with a Flirc USB for ultimate control.

Skip 1s Downloads

Please select the installer you want to download
apple logo
MacOS Installer
Flirc Installer [v3.25.4] (macOS
11.14 - 11)
114 MB 2/16/2022
windows icon
Windows Installer
Flirc Installer [v3.25.4]
(Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11)
114 MB 2/16/2022
ubuntu logo
Flirc Installer [v3.25.4] (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
114 MB 2/16/2022
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The Skip 1s Universal Remote Control



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Frequently Bought With

The Skip 1s Universal Remote Control
The Skip 1s Universal Remote Control
Skip 1s
plus Flirc USB
Flirc USB
Flirc USB
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