A friend of mine was invited to a disney themed party. The girl hosting it required all her invitee's wear a disney costume, however, it had to be self made. Naturally, he wanted to do something as 'cool' as possible, so he chose Tron. He then ran over in my direction and said, 'hey Jason, you gotta help me with my tron costume, I want to hack up an off the shelf tron disk'.Here is the original disk we used.

Here is a link to a video demonstration (this is not me doing the review)You can see it's a pretty cheesy disk, it's just a kids toy. There are plenty of mods online, but this will put most of those to shame.Here is our final modification, it's a video link, CLICK it!

It's got two lithium ion batteries, a usb charger for the batteries, a boost convertor to run the led's, magnets installed so he can wear it on his back, it uses 1.2Amps off 12V (because of the 20 LED segments), and the microcontroller is running a poor man's scheduler to get pwm output on all those led segments. All the code has been posted, and a schematic have been shared which demonstrates how we hooked everything up.There is nothing on the inside that was saved. We threw away all the wires, all the circuits, and my friend even had to dremel away the plastic walls on the inside so everything would fit. The only thing we used was the enclosure. I wasn't at the party, but apparently he was a hit and they asked him to turn it off because it was blinding everyone. Assuming they were in a dimly lit bar and drunk.It's open source, head to my github repo and you can check out the firmware, a little commandline application for kicking the device into the bootloader, and a very rough schematic.Here are some more pictures of the process and his final costume.Original Guts:

LED strip we used.

Some of the lights that will be used on the actual suit.

The costume was made out of a scuba diving suit.

Coming together:

He didn't want his face on the internet.

Final Costume:

I unfortunately don't have any images of the disk progress, and I can't open it right now. There is so much in there, it takes me about 45 minutes to get it closed.